If you want to join the party, we need to know who you are
Code of conduct
We always ask before we touch. Consent is the #1 rule at Hedonism. Forgetting this rule will result in a permanent ban & removal from the event.Find a comprehensive guide to consent here.
We are open to any safe, sane and consensual activities within the law. You must respect the boundaries of others, their choice and their personality. Shaming, insulting, aggression or a disregard for manners is something we never encounter at hedo, and we intend for it to stay that way.
No one is obliged to participate in any activity at Hedonism.
Pressure or coercion to another person is not allowed.
It is 2025 a phone rule is never going to fly.
You are free to keep your phone with you.
Capturing photo / video of people without their consent will result in a ban from Hedonism.
If you are in a play space and your phone comes out, expect to be removed. -
Hedonism events are self policing, if you find yourself in a situation where a guest has stepped outside our code of conduct, tell a team member on the night and we will endeavour to resolve the issue.
This page only needs to be completed once by each guest attending.
The details will automatically be linked to each ticket request done on this page.