Consent monitor 

As you know, Hedonism is all about self-expression and having a wonderful time in the safest scenarios. 

We are introducing a new position at our larger events. 

We at Hedonism expect everyone to be up to date on our code of conduct and what consent is.

What do they do:

Consent monitors are separate from security, they are there to ensure that everyone is engaging in safe play as well as enthusiastic consent. Their priority is everyone’s safety

- Whether that be physical or mental. Hit them up if you need to report inappropriate or disrespectful behaviour or need a reminder of the Hedonism code of conduct.

They are also available for advice, want to know how to approach someone, want to know if a pickup line is cheesy, unsure where the bathroom is. They will be available for all your whims and questions

What should I do if a consent monitor gets my attention:

- The consent monitor is here to educate, not discipline 

- However, they do have the authority to kick you out.

- They may just be giving you a reminder of the Hedonism code of conduct 

- Follow their guidance and treat them with respect.

- If a consent monitor feels it relevant to pull you aside to talk to you or others about a situation, denying this request will result in a permanent ban from Hedonism.

- They are here to ensure that everyone is having a good time.

Who are they: 

Mistress Lunar is an experienced play party facilitator, pro-Domme, and a qualified sexuality educator and counsellor. 

Whilst Hedonism is an epic party, there can also be a lot of nerves and dynamics at play. Whether you’re a veteran in the play scene or just checking out the vibes for the first time, Lunar and her partner Sol will be available for a chat or any assistance you might need throughout the night.

How will I identify them:

They will have lanyards and torches with them.